Join our virtual Tour de France: no exertion, only great food and wine!

On the trail of Ines
Fashion and I never really did hit it off — fashion people don't seem to eat anything, for one — but thanks to an editor with a great sense of humor and my youthful enthusiasm I managed to pass myself off as a minor authority for a couple of years.

My job frequently requires me to eat elaborate three-course meals at lunch and dinner several days in a row, and I am grateful when I come across a restaurant that acts as a kind of cleansing interlude, replenishing my body with crunchy vegetables and wholesome grains…

Au Merveilleux de Fred
Nearly every French pastry shop has its cloud-like meringues sitting in a puffy heap somewhere near the window, but they often seem to be more of a decoration than something that people actually eat.

On being vegetarian in France
A few months ago, my son Sam declared himself a vegetarian. Now, if we lived in California this might not sound unusual, but this is France, proud land of steak-frites and saucisson, andouillette and tête de veau.

A few days in Montmartre
with Haven in Paris
I have a vision of my perfect apartment in Paris. It would be high up - stairs don't scare me - with a small balcony and a sweeping view over the zinc rooftops, punctuated here and there with church spires and glimmering domes.
with Haven in Paris

The Paris-Brest
at La Pâtisserie des Rêves
Never one to miss a new Paris pastry shop, I made a taxi screech to a halt when I spotted La Pâtisserie des Rêves back in September.
at La Pâtisserie des Rêves

Time for mirabelles

The best way to cook broccoli
I have my friend Caterina to thank for this ridiculously simple and ridiculously delicious way to tackle a vegetable that many people find uninspiring.

The future of French shopping?
You might think of Parisiennes as stylish women who take pleasure in shopping at markets and whipping up sumptuous meals with seasonal ingredients. You would be right about the stylish part.