Join our virtual Tour de France: no exertion, only great food and wine!

Seeking great cappuccino in Nice

The best marmalade recipe from Mamé Clairette

Galette des rois:
who is the king in Nice?
who is the king in Nice?

Tourte de blettes taste test
If kale has taken over much of the western world, even popping up in the past few months at the Nice markets, it’s hard to imagine the locals ever giving up their Swiss chard, known in French as blettes.

French strawberries
It's only in early spring that I find myself longing for something new as the clementines reach the end of their season, and this is when the first strawberries make their tempting appearance.

Happiness is…
I'm fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, doing work I love, surrounded by a circle of true friends that is growing all the time. So happiness should come easily, right? Sometimes, though, it's not that simple, and like anyone else I need to remember what makes me happy even as I get swept up in the swirling currents of life.

Lemon soufflé cake
It will be two more months before I can bite into a juicy French gariguette or ciflorette berry that signals the real beginning of red fruit season. In the meantime, thankfully, there is citrus fruit: vivid lemons, the last of the local clementines, bergamot, bitter oranges for marmalade, and - just occasionally - the deeper orangey-yellow Meyer lemon.

Instant minestrone
By the time I have chatted with my favorite farmers and sipped coffee on a sunny terrace with the friends whose paths inevitably cross mine, I often find that there is no time left to cook lunch.

Uplifting yoghurt cake with bergamot and pear
I am aware that I have neglected this blog for a long time, and without making any reckless promises I would like to remedy that this year. I am going to start with a baby step: a short post about a simple cake that may change your life.