Eiffel Tower, Paris
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Ten things I love about Paris according to Sam, age six

Seeing Paris through a child's eyes is one of the best ways to rediscover the city.

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A perfect morning in Paris

How would I spend a perfect morning in Paris? I found out on Saturday when I realized that I had several hours stretching in front of me with no obligations.

Strawberry & tomato gaspacho
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Strawberry and tomato gaspacho with pistachio oil

Pistachio oil brings an extra touch of originality to strawberry and tomato gaspacho, which I came across at Le Mirazur's new tapas-style bar and couldn't wait to recreate.

Strawberry Tiramisu
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Strawberry tiramisù

I first spotted this summery variation on classic tiramisù at the bakery Bread & Roses in Paris, and had been wanting to recreate their recipe for months.