Galettes de Roi
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Galette des rois:
who is the king in Nice?

In France, seasonal indulgences continue with the galette des rois, the epiphany cake that dominates pastry shop displays all month long even though it's traditionally associated with January 6th, the Epiphany.
Tourte de Blettes, Boulangerie de Palais
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Tourte de blettes taste test

If kale has taken over much of the western world, even popping up in the past few months at the Nice markets, it’s hard to imagine the locals ever giving up their Swiss chard, known in French as blettes. 

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A weekend in Bastia

Nonstop sunshine, rustic cakes made with chestnut flour, honey tasting of sun-scorched wild herbs, sausages of boar and donkey: these are a few of the things I expected to find in Corsica, and over the course of the weekend more than one of these preconceived ideas would prove to be false.

Merveilleuxs de Fred

Au Merveilleux de Fred

Nearly every French pastry shop has its cloud-like meringues sitting in a puffy heap somewhere near the window, but they often seem to be more of a decoration than something that people actually eat.

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Sunday at the Marché de Wazemmes

Lille's many charms - great beer, friendly people, a freshly restored historic center - are not necessarily obvious on a Sunday, when shops and restaurants pull down their shutters for families to gather round a steaming pot ofcarbonnade flamande, beef cooked in beer until caramelized, or share a potjevleesch, an assortment of jellied meats.
"Love is chaotic", Paris
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A few days in Montmartre
with Haven in Paris

I have a vision of my perfect apartment in Paris. It would be high up - stairs don't scare me - with a small balcony and a sweeping view over the zinc rooftops, punctuated here and there with church spires and glimmering domes.

Big Ben, London
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Ready, prêt, go: Eating on the run
in London

For the school holidays, I took Sam to London to brush up his English. Well, that was the official excuse.

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A tantalizing taste of Genoa

I had only half a day to explore Genoa, but thanks to a well-informed friend and the thoroughly researched book Food Wine: The Italian Riviera and Genoa I put every minute to edible use.

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The future of French shopping?

You might think of Parisiennes as stylish women who take pleasure in shopping at markets and whipping up sumptuous meals with seasonal ingredients. You would be right about the stylish part.