Entries by Rosa Jackson

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Happiness is…

I’m fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, doing work I love, surrounded by a circle of true friends that is growing all the time. So happiness should come easily, right? Sometimes, though, it’s not that simple, and like anyone else I need to remember what makes me happy even as I get swept up in the swirling currents of life. 

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Lemon soufflé cake

It will be two more months before I can bite into a juicy French gariguette or ciflorette berry that signals the real beginning of red fruit season. In the meantime, thankfully, there is citrus fruit: vivid lemons, the last of the local clementines, bergamot, bitter oranges for marmalade, and – just occasionally – the deeper orangey-yellow Meyer lemon.


On the trail of Ines

Fashion and I never really did hit it off — fashion people don’t seem to eat anything, for one — but thanks to an editor with a great sense of humor and my youthful enthusiasm I managed to pass myself off as a minor authority for a couple of years.